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Natural products to lighten your skin

natural skin lightening products

Having a bright and even skin tone is a desire for many people. However, with the abundance of skin-lightening products on the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. If you’re looking for a more natural approach to lighten your skin, here are some of the best Korean and Japanese skin lightening products to consider.

Rice Water

Rice water

by Mitchell Luo (https://unsplash.com/@mitchel3uo)

Rice water has been used for centuries in Asian cultures as a natural skin lightener. It is rich in vitamins and minerals that help to brighten and even out skin tone. To use rice water, simply soak uncooked rice in water for 30 minutes, strain the water, and use it as a toner on your skin. You can also mix it with other natural ingredients like honey or lemon juice for added benefits.

Green Tea

Green tea is not only a popular beverage, but it also has skin lightening properties. It contains antioxidants that help to reduce inflammation and brighten the skin. You can use green tea as a toner or mix it with other natural ingredients like yogurt or aloe vera for a brightening face mask.

Licorice Root

Licorice root

by Rod Long (https://unsplash.com/@rodlong)

Licorice root is a common ingredient in many Korean and Japanese skin lightening products. It contains glabridin, which inhibits the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for dark spots and uneven skin tone. You can find licorice root extract in the form of serums, creams, and toners.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that not only brightens the skin but also helps to protect it from environmental damage. It can be found in many Korean and Japanese skin lightening products, such as serums and creams. You can also incorporate vitamin C into your skincare routine by using a DIY face mask with lemon juice or by consuming vitamin C-rich foods like citrus fruits and leafy greens.


Niacinamide, also known as vitamin B3, is another popular ingredient in Korean and Japanese skin lightening products. It helps to reduce the production of melanin and improve skin texture. You can find niacinamide in the form of serums, creams, and toners.

Reishi Mushroom

Reishi mushroom

by Ed van duijn (https://unsplash.com/@eddyvanduijn)

Reishi mushroom is a popular ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine and is known for its skin brightening properties. It contains kojic acid, which helps to inhibit the production of melanin. You can find reishi mushroom extract in the form of serums, creams, and toners.


Using natural products to lighten your skin is a safer and more sustainable option compared to harsh chemical products. Incorporating these ingredients into your skincare routine can help you achieve a brighter and more even skin tone. However, it’s important to note that results may vary and it’s always best to consult with a dermatologist before trying any new products.

Have you tried any of these natural skin lightening products? Let us know in the comments.

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